Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Milwaukee is the home of Harley-Davidson, and last week I attended an event at the Harley museum, where they have a line-up of hogs visitors can pose on. This comically unattractive scooter, a veritable motorized icon of irony, was more my style.

My dream machine is a 1964 Vespa 90 cc. Bright red. (They all were, at least in the States.) But I’m more likely to go straight for the motorized wheelchair.

1 comment:

Daryl May said...

Vega? Vega? I had a Chevy Vega in about 1972. In fact, for my sins, I had two. You can have them both anytime you can find them. But you'll get further in any other kind of Vega than the Chevy ones.
