Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Birthday weekend

We all had a wonderful weekend helping sweet B celebrate her first birthday. Lots of bubbly and goodies, fascinating wrappings on gifts somewhat less appreciated, and plenty of grandparently hugs and kisses.

B is beginning to walk quite well, especially when nobody’s making a big deal about it. As a way to avoid some of the frustrations little ones can feel before they are able to talk, her parents have been teaching her simple signing, and she can signal “milk” (a milking motion with one hand or the other), “more” (finger and thumb tips of both hands bumped together), and “all done” (brushing open hands together). She’s got a few more, as well. Obviously a stunningly athletic and brilliant child.

H has returned to her pre-pregnancy body (actually, her pre-pre-pregnancy body—she’s looking fit and terrific) and needed to go clothes shopping on Saturday—perhaps her least favorite pastime. A and I took the opportunity to bring B to the great little kiddie pool at the nearby park, where they enjoyed some damp and cheerful father-daughter bonding.

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